Liverpool Video Postcard HD -1: " With all my video material before 2005 being shot in Standard Definition(or less). You can imagine how depressing it is to have all those memories filmed with inferior equipment. HD is finally here, now all I need is something to film. With many days and nights spent at the computer, it's nice to get out of the house. When you can a nice day outside but your stuck at the computer it can be quite frustrating. So this clip was one of those days, when I saw good light and took a short trip over to Liverpool on the Mersey Ferry, to test out the camera, for HD Liverpool Clips check back soon. Or better still order a DVD. Timlapse High Definition Clips on DVD available now!!! The Music in this clip is by Simon Whitby (aka - Slim whitby), His music is available for your productions or simply for your CD player. If you would like a CD of his music, drop him a line on: simon.whitby@gmail.com
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